Our Training and Course Offers
An important building block in the implementation of HMC’s goals is our wide range of training opportunities for researchers in the Helmholtz Association and beyond.
These offerings are intended to raise awareness of good research data management, promote increasing consideration of FAIR principles and support the use of metadata tools developed by our FAIR Data Commons group or elsewhere in the world.
We work closely with the other Helmholtz Incubator platforms, in particular HIDA, to provide an overall attractive training offer within the Helmholtz Association and develop courses for different target groups that are offered Helmholtz-wide (e.g. as part of the Incubator Summer Academy 2022) or - possibly with a more specific focus - within one of the six Helmholtz research fields.
We cordially invite you to take part in one of our courses and browse through our collection of materials.
Our Course Offers
Courses for beginners
For all those students, PhD students, PostDocs, … who are not yet familiar with terms such as “metadata”, “FAIR”, “persistent identifier” or “data repository”, we offer regular courses on the basics of metadata and data management in the scientific environment. These courses usually take place over two or three days and, in addition to the presentation of theoretical content, include appropriate opportunities for the participants to practice on their own.
We also run workshops dedicated to more specific topics such as the application of newly developed technical solutions. (Example: https://events.hifis.net/event/571/)