In the following you can find an overview of HMC's contributions to conferences and other events.
A compilation of all contributions to our HMC Conference 2023 can be found via https://zenodo.org/communities/hmc-conference_2023
A compilation of all contributions to our HMC Conference 2022 can be found via https://zenodo.org/communities/hmc-conference_2022.
"Metadata working group activities in the joint-lab MDMC”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, Mini Workshop ER-C Data Science Lab, Aachen, Germany, 17.01.2023.
"EM glossary: towards interoperable semantics in the electron microscopy”, presented by Volker Hofmann, ERC-Data science Lab, Jülich, Germany, 17.01.2023.
"CASA-HMC: Integration & Overview”, presented by Jens Bröder, CASA- Kickoff, Jülich, Germany, 26.01.2023.
"How to make a Data science challenge”, presented by Volker Hofmann, Helmholtz Challenges Workshop, 31.01.2023.
"Unhide-unified Helmholtz Information and Data exchange”, presented by Volker Hofmann, Helmholtz Challenges Workshop, 31.01.2023.
"HMC and DLR-FDM”, presented by Witold Arndt, DKZ Enklimosys, Berlin, 02.03.2023.
"PRIMA: an ontology for capturing material science provenance information”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, Second MDMC Workshop Jülich, Germany, 08.-10.03.2023.
"DKZ and HMC”, presented by Witold Arndt, MPIfR Workshop Data, Bonn, 13.03.2023.
"How FAIR DOs Enable Interoperability”, presented by Rainer Stotzka, Global Research Commons: Europe And Beyond, 20.03.2023.
"HMC future plans from 2024”, presented by Witold Arndt, DLR Scientific Information, Annual Meeting, Cologne, 22.03.2023.
"HMC & DLR FDM: Resources for hot research data”, presented by Witold Arndt, V&V4NGC Workshop, virtual, 24.03.2023.
"DISO: A Domain Ontology for Modelling Dislocations in Crystalline Materials”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, The 38th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing Tallinn, Estonia, 23-27.03.2023.
"RDA Collections at KIT: An Enrichment for FDOs?“, presented by Thomas Jejkal, RDA Digital Object Factory IG, Online, 14.04.2023.
"Introduction into AiiDA-FLEUR: How to manage (lots of) data and (many) simulations”, presented by Jens Bröder, Picking Flowers: Hands-on Fleur, Jülich, Germany, 10.05.2023.
"IAS-9, HMC: Metadata tools, expertise and services”, presented by Jens Bröder, JuDocs FDM-Course Marketplace, Online, 12.05.2023.
"An Upper Ontology for Modern Science Branches and Related Entities”, presented by Said Fathalla, European Semantic Web Conference, Hersonissos, Greece, 28.05.-01.06.2023.
"Sustainability of Research Data Management”, presented by Özlem Özkan, ErUM-Data-Hub Workshop: Sustainability in the Digital Transformation of Basic Research on Universe & Matter”, Meinerzhagen, Germany, 31.05.-02.06.2023.
"Umbrella Data Policy for Multi-divisional Research Centers”, presented by Özlem Özkan, Potentials and Challenges for International Science Cooperation - 2nd Helmholtz-CAS Workshop organized by the WIKOOP-INFRA Project, Hybrid (China / virtual), 05.06.2023.
"HMC Projects”, presented by Witold Arndt, Projects 2023, virtual, 19.06.2023.
"IUC17: Ontologies for defects in crystals”, presented by Abril Guzman, Volker Hofmann, MatWerkConference, 27.06.2023.
"Typed PID Maker”, presented by A. Pfeil NFDI PID, Working Group Meeting, 11.08.2023.
"Real-life Provenance in Simulation science”, presented by Jens Bröder, CASA reterat 2023, Jülich, Germany, 21.08.2023.
"Data Collections Explorer - An Easy-to-Use Tool for Sharing and Discovering Research Data”, presented by Philipp Ost, Yusra S Hakeel, Philipp Tögel, CoRDI Conference, Karlsruhe, 12.09.2023.
"Long Term Interoperability of Distributed Research Data Infrastructures”, presented by Yusra. S Hakeel, Philipp Ost, Rossella Aversa, CoRDI, Conference Karlsruhe, 12.09.2023.
"The HMC Information Portal for enhanced metadata collaboration in the Helmholtz FAIR data space”, presented by Lucas Kulla, CoRDI 2023, Karlsruhe, 12.-14.09.2023.
"RO-Crate Time Series Exporter for the Building Consumption Data of KIT Campus North”, presented by Jan Schweikert, Marian Turowski, Viktoria Köbe, Wolfgang Süß, Veit Hagenmeyer, CoRDI Conference, Karlsruhe, 14.09.2023.
"DISO: A Domain Ontology for Modelling Dislocations in Crystalline Materials”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, MecaNano WP3 Workshop 2023, Aachen, Germany, 26.-27.09.2023.
"From structured data to ontologies, towards semantic interoperability of research data”, presented by Volker Hofmann, MecaNano, 29.09.2023.
"A web based tool for Import, Mapping and Harmonization of Tabular Data (applied to clinical data)”, presented by Lucas Kulla, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"HMC's unide inititative: the unified Helmholtz information and data exchange”, presented by Volker Hofmann, Jens Bröder, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Knowledge Graph Development as a Collaborative Process”, presented by Leon Steinmeier, K. G Van den Boogaart, Theresa Schaller, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"IR of FAIR - Principles at the Instrument Level”, presented by Gerrit Günther, ICALEPCS 2023, Cape Town, South Africa, 11.10.2023.
"Metadata Required for FAIR Digital Objects”, presented by Rainer Stotzka, International Data Week 2023 / RDA Plenary 21, 23.10.2023.
"Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, Hub Information @ Forschungszentrum Jülich“, presented by Volker Hofmann, Michael Denker, INM Retreat, Jülich, Germany, 23.10.2023.
"A data-driven approach to improve distributed FAIR data in a cross disciplinary organization”, presented by Markus Kubin, International Data Week 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 23.-26.10.2023.
"RDM strategies for photon and neutron facilities in Germany”, presented by Markus Kubin, International Data Week 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 23.-26.10.2023.
"A conceptual model for a FAIR DO fabric”, presented by Andreas Pfeil, International Data Week 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 23.-26.10.2023.
"How to unhide and improve the metadata landscape of research in Helmholtz”, presented by Jens Bröder, Open science week, Online, 25.10.2023.
"Structued Data and Ontologies”, presented by Volker Hofmann, Tag der Forschungsdaten, NRW RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 14.11.2023.
"Ontology and why context matters”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan MSE Day Hereon, Geesthacht, 14.11.2023.
"A Framework for Using FAIR Vocabularies in Every-Day Data”, presented by Leon Steinmeier, Florian Rau, Vocabulary Symposium 2023, Online, 14.-15.11.2023.
"Introducing and Optimising Digital Twins to Enhance Space Services and Reduce Engineering Costs”, presented by Christian Langenbach, Space Tec Expo, Bremen, 16.11.2023.
"Handling and Storing Metadata”, presented by Rossella Aversa, KNMFi User Meeting, 28.11.2023.
"HMC Dashboard zu offenen und FAIRen Daten in der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft“, presented by Markus Kubin, Online-Workshop: Monitoring von Forschungsdaten-Publikationen: Stand und Perspektive, Virtual, 30.11.2023.
"IG FAIR Digital Object Fabric”, presented by Rainer Stotzka, 20th RDA Plenary Meeting 2023, 23.10.2023.
"Applied Metadata - The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC”, presented by Emanuel Söding, Incubator Summer Academy, Online, 19.09.2023.
"Applied Metadata - The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration HMC”, presented by Emanuel Söding, Berlin, 03.-07.09.2023.
"Harmonizing the use of PIDs in data repositories - What do we need”, presented by Andrea Pörsch, Berlin, 03.-07.09.2023.
"(Meta)Data Modelling 101, Metador. Use case", presented by Anton Pirogov, Volker Hofmann, Metador Hackathon, Aachen, Germany, 13.01.2023.
"Launch Meeting; HMC Dashboard on Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz", presented by Markus Kubin, Launch Meeting, 22.02.2023.
"Introduction to the HMC Dashboard on Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz", presented by Gabriel Preuß, HMC Dialogue, 10.03.2023.
"Interactively exploring metadata with Beaverdam", presented by Heather More, SMHB General Assembly, Jülich, Germany, 04.04.2023.
"An Infrastructure for Harmonizing Semantics and Structures in Research Data”, presented by Leon Steinmeier, Florian Rau, HELIPORT Workshop 2023, Dresden, 12.-14.06.2023.
"Real-life Provenance in Simulation science, use case; computational material science with AiiDA", presented by Jens Bröder, HMC Dialogue, 23.06.2023.
"The 5 elements of user experience design", presented by Fiona D'Mello, HMC Dialogue, 07.07.2023.
"HMC software Wundertüte", presented by Heather More, INM-6 meeting Jülich, Germany, 07.08.2023.
• Talk "Ein Electronic Lab Notebook (ELN) System für das Helmholtz-Institut Freiberg (HIF)", presented by Theresa Schaller, Leon Steinmeier, Hub Energy Meeting, 14.09.2023.
"Deploying Best Practices and Automating Metadata Handling in Research Software Engineering", The FAIR Python Cookiecutter and Somesy, presented by Anton Pirogov, Mustafa Soylu, HMC Dialogue, 29.09.2023.
"Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration, Impact for the Forschungszentrum Jülich and beyond", presented by Volker Hofmann, Briefing FZJ BOD, Jülich, Germany, 05.10.2023.
"Overview about HMC", presented by Wolfgang Süß, Open-X, Karlsruhe, 17.10.2023.
"Unhide: The unified Helmholtz Information and data exchange initiative, Behind the first Helmholtz Knowledge graph and what to do with it", presented by Jens Bröder, HMC Dialogue, 20.10.2023.
"Ontology development as a key process to metadata generation", presented by K. G. van den Boogaart, Hub Energy Meeting, 18.12.2023.
"AK Architektur", presented by Andrea Pörsch, DataHub Meeting at GFZ; GEOMAR, 01.2023.
"The Stamplate Project in the context of HMC", presented by Emanuel Söding, Stamplate Kick-off WS; GEOMAR, 05.07.2023.
“Moving the domain of energy systems analysis towards FAIR data”, presented by Carsten Hoyer-Klick, EOSC Symposium, 14. - 17.11.2022.
"Implementation of a Photovoltaic System Model Using FAIR Digital Objects", presented by Jan Schweikert, 1st FDO conference 2022, 26. - 28.10.2022.
“A FAIR Digital Object Lab Software Stack", presented by Andreas Pfeil, 1st FDO conference 2022, 26. - 28.10.2022.
“Digital Object Application Case for Composing Machine Learning Training Data", presented by Nicolas Blumenröhr, 1st FDO conference 2022, 26. - 28.10.2022.
“Realizing FAIR Digital Objects for the German Helmholtz Association of Research Centres", presented by Rainer Stotzka, 1st FDO conference 2022, 26. - 28.10.2022.
“Do you understand me? Community effort for coordinated semantics in the electron microscopies”, presented by Volker Hofmann, Material Science and Engineering Congress (MSE), 29.09.2022.
“Making metadata manageable - lessons learned in HMC Hub Matter”, presented by Oonagh Mannix, SNI 2022 conference, 05. - 07.09.2022.
“A metadata and data entry and editing tool using ontologies for knowledge graph creation”, presented by Leon Steinmeier, International Association for Mathematical Geosciences Conference 2022, 30.08.2022.
“Competency questions for a test first development of an energy systems analysis ontology”, presented by Carsten Hoyer-Klick, JOWO’22, 15. - 19.08.2022.
"A Photovoltaic System Model Integrating FAIR Digital Objects and Ontologies", presented by Jan Schweikert, IEEE Sege 2022, 10. - 12.08.2022.
“Developing hands-on session for research data management training: first implemnetation and review”, presented by Luigia Cristiano, International Data Week 2022, 20. - 23.06.2022.
”Lessons learned from applying the FAIR data maturity model to an instrument in the physical sciences”, presented by Markus Kubin, International Data Week 2022, 20. - 23.06.2022.
“How FAIR are the Helmholtz EaE Data Infrastructures?”, presented by Emanuel Soeding, RDA-DE, 25.02.2022.
"PV System", presented by Jan Schweikert, RDA vP18, 03.11.2021.
"Metadata model for material sciences", presented by Rossella Aversa, RDA vP18, 03.11.2021.
"FAIR DO use case at vP18 in RDA FAIR Data Fabric IG", presented by Andreas Pfeil, RDA vP18, 03.11.2021.
"Towards an implementation of CDI-DDI Structural Metadata in HMC Hub Earth and Environment", presented by Pier Luigi Buttigieg, SciDataCon 2021, 26.10.2021.
"FAIR meets EMIL: principles in practice", presented by Gerrit Günther, ICALEPCS, 20.10.2021.
"The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Platform – Making Helmholtz Data FAIR", presented by Constanze Curdt, EOSC Symposium 2021, 18.06.2021.
"FAIR DO Testbed presentation", presented by Andreas Pfeil, RDA vP17 - RDA FAIR Data Fabric IG, 20.04.2021.
"Continuous Integration (CI) for research data", presented by Björn Brötz & Daniel Mohr, RDA vP17 – Session: Experiments in Preparing Data for Interchange and Openness, 20.04.2021.
"Harmonisation of ontologies for (and beyond) the UN Ocean Decade", presented by Pier Luigi Buttigieg, United Nations World Data Forum, 10.04.2021.
“Internal Platform Development and On-Site Installation”, presented by Thomas Jejkal, 15th RDA Plenary, 18.-20.03.2020.
“Research Data Repository Interoperability WG” , presented by Thomas Jejkal, 15th RDA Plenary, 18.-20.03.2020.
"Short introduction of FAIR Digital Objects“ by Rainer Stotzka, 15th RDA Plenary, 18.-20.03.2020.
Metador Hackathon, 13.01.2023.
Using FAIR Guidelines for Patient Data in Africa, HMC FAIR Friday, 20.01.2023.
Demo on ELabFTW the free Lab Notebook, EM Glossary Plenary Meeting, 30.01.2023.
Persistent Identifier als unverzichtbare Infrastruktur heutiger Forschung, HMC FAIR Friday.
Workshop and Poster Presentation, Microscopy conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 27.02.2023.
UnHIDE & Helmholtz KG stakeholder Workshop, 25.09.2023.
MecaNano – WG3, “Open research data management” 2023 Workshop, MecaNano Consortium, 26.-27.09.2023.
A Short Introduction to the Data Collections Explorer, NFDI4Ing SIG RDM Training & Education Meeting, 06.10.2023.
Co-Development workshop for Helmholtz Knowledge Graph, HMC Conference 2023, 10.-12.10.2023.
Hands-on session HMC Dashboard on Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz, HMC Conference 2023, 10.-12.10.2023.
The WorldFAIR project, HMC FAIR Friday, 01.12.2023.
Various Developers Meeting throughout the year, EM Glossary Plenary Meeting.
HMC dashboard launch meeting, HMC dashboard launch meeting, 02.02.2023.
Publication types at PANGAEA, PANGAEA seminar, UFZ Leipzig, 27.02.2023.
Let’s improve the Interoperability of Orientation Data to Support the Development of Research Data Management Systems, EM Glossary Plenary Meeting, 27.03.2023.
Welcome Meeting - Projects 2022, 04.04.2023.
Coordination of the procedure for creating new instrument terms required by PANGAEA and Registry@AWI, Workshop between HMC/BODC/AWI, 23.05.2023.
Workshop on Linkage between Hub Earth and Environment data with genetic data stored in external repositories, PANGAEA workshop, 31.05.2023.
Project Call 2023, Information Event, 01.06.2023.
AI-HERO, 19.-21.06.2023.
PIDInst Scoping WS, 13.07.2023.
Schema.org implementation, Workshop between HMC/UFZ/AWI, 04.09.2023.
Helmholtz Incubator Summer Academy 2023, 18.-29.09.2023.
HMC's unhide initiative; the unified Helmholtz information and data exchange user workshop, HMC Conference 2023, 12.10.2023.
The new terminology editor - ideas and needs, PANGAEA workshop, 02.11.2023.
HMC Retreat, 20.-22.11.2023.
Teaching & Reaching through the screen - Discussion panel on how to successfully engage remote learners, TEACH 3 - Explore, Exchange, Excel, 08.12.2023.
Several Workshops on Harmonization of instrument vocabulary throughout the year, Workshop between PANGAEA/Registry and HMC (MARUM, AWI, GEOMAR).
Several Workshops on Metadaten-PIDs throughout the year, DataHub Working groups.
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata, 25.-26.01.2023.
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata for Materials Scientists, NFDI MatWerk Summer School, 21.-22.09.2023.
Fundamentals of Scientific Metadata, Incubator Summer Academy. 26.-27.09.2023.
"IR of FAIR - Principles at the Instrument Level", presented by Gerrit Günther, Heliport Workshop, Dresden, German, 12.06.2023.
"FAIR Data of Physical and Digital Beamlines", presented by Gerrit Günther, Heliport Workshop, Dresden, Germany, 13.06.2023.
"HMC and NFDI", presented by Sören Lorenz, Helmholtz Open Science Forum on the NFDI: Inside Perspectives from the Centers, 22.06.2023.
"HMC Evaluation", presented by Sören Lorenz, HMC Dialogue, 14.07.2023.
Presentation "Monitoring Data Publications - A Dashboard Approach in HMC Hub Matter", presented by Markus Kubin, Helmholtz Open Science Briefing, 2nd Helmholtz Open Science Practice Forum on Research Data Management, 20.10.2023.
"IR of FAIR - Principles at the Instrument Level", presented by Gerrit Günther, HELPMI Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, 13.11.2023.
"Research Data Policies; Best Practices and Essential Elements", presented by Özlem Özkan, DMA ST1 seminar: Policies, 27.11.2023.
"Survey activities by the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC)", presented by Markus Kubin, Forum by the Helmholtz Open Science Office: Report on the Development and Implementation of Research Data Policies in Helmholtz, 19.09.2023.
“Vocabulary Service” , presented by Abdildina Gulzaure, NFDI-MatWerk working meeting, 01.12.2022.
“TA.MDI Architecture”, presented by Yusra Shakeel and Rainer Stotzka, NFDI-MatWerk working meeting, 30.11.2022.
“A FAIR Digital Object Lab Software Stack”, presented by Andreas Pfeil, NFDI-MatWerk MDI Workshop, 29.11.2022.
“FAIR Digital Object Application Case: Relabeling ML Training Data”, presented by Nicolas Blumenröhr, NFDI-MatWerk MDI Workshop, 17.11.2022.
“Use Case: A4 Instrument to Data Publication”, presented by Gerrit Günther, PunchLunch, 17.11.2022.
“FAIR Digital Objects - A gentle way of introducing FAIRness”, presented by Thomas Jejkal, NFDI-MatWerk MDI Workshop, 28.10.2022.
“New to data stewardship: Challenges and contributions to enable FAIR data in a large research association”, presented by Annika Strupp, Data stewardship goes Germany workshop, 13. - 14.10.2022.
“Towards a digital twin at the NeXus file level”, presented by Gerrit Günther, JCNS Workshop, 11. - 14.10.2022.
“Data Policies of Research Field Matter in Helmholtz”, presented by Oonagh Mannix, CAS workshop, 26.09.2022.
“FAIR-DOscope - Explore the facets of FAIR Digital Objects”, presented by Thomas Jejkal, RDA FAIR DO Fabric IG Meeting, 22.09.2022.
“HMC at FZJ: activities and potential interfaces with CASA”, presented by Volker Hofmann, CASA-Retreat, 21.09.2022.
“A Java Library for RO-Crate”, presented by Andreas Pfeil, RO-Crate Community Meeting, 25.08.2022.
“A community driven collaborative development of a glossary for electron microscopy”, presented by Volker Hofmann, Mini-Symposium “Concepts and Tools for (meta)data management”, 24.05.2022.
“Metadata Management activities in the Joint Lab MDMC”, presented by Rossella Aversa and Reetu Joseph, HMC EM Glosssary, 09.05.2022.
“Beaverdam – Create and browse databases of metadata”, presented by Heather More, INCF Ephys BIDS task force monthly meeting, 20.04.2022.
“Metadata database creation and browsing”, presented by Heather More, Vision4Action retreat, 05. - 06.04.2022.
“HMC: usage of metadata schemas”, presented by Oonagh Mannix, ErUM data workshop with NFDI Physics Consortia, 05.04.2022.
“NeXus@HZB: Instrumentation Metadata”, presented by Gerrit Günther, NFDI Nexus workshop, 17. - 18.03.2022.
“Communicating across disciplines: A community effort for glossary in electron microscopy and NeXus” presented by “Oonagh Mannix & Volker Hofmann”, NFDI Nexus workshop, 17. - 18.03.2022.
“PIDA - Persistent identifiers for digital assets", presented by Said Fathalla, EM Glossary Workgroup - Plenary Meeting, 14.03.2022.
“MDMC-NEP Ontology Development”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, MDMC Workshop retreat, 14.02.2022.
“A Concept towards a FAIR Photovoltaic System”, presented by Jan Schweikert, RDA FAIR DO Fabric IG Meeting, 27.01.2022.
"What are the use cases of ontologies", presented by Pier Luigi Buttigieg, GHGA Workshop on Metadata in Biomedical Genome Research, 2021.
"HMC", presented by Wolfgang Süß, Meeting with RWTH Aachen, University Darmstadt, University München and University Dortmund, 2021.
"Special Interest Group “Metadata & Ontologies”", presented by Rainer Stotzka, 2021.
"The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Hub Matter: Prototyping metadata for cultural change", presented by Oonagh Mannix, PunchLunch, 16.12.2021.
"Assessing the FAIRness of a prototypical PaN instrument at BESSY II", presented by Markus Kubin and Gerrit Günther, ExPaNDS Seminar, 15.11.2021.
"Better data for better science", presented by Oonagh Mannix, Better data for better science, 28.10.2021.
"PIDs for samples in the PaN community", presented by Oonagh Mannix, PIDs for facilities research workshop, 22.10.2021.
"Concepts of Ocean Data Management - Best Practices and standards for management and analysis of marine data ", presented by Pier Luigi Buttigieg, SEA-EU Marine Data Literacy course, 21.10.2021.
"Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration and Electron Microscopy", presented by Oonagh Mannix, AK IGEME der DGE, 01.10.2021.
"Introduction to HMC", presented by Andrea Pörsch, GDI-DE, 19.07.2021.
"Introduction to HMC", presented by Andrea Pörsch, DGEO, 24.06.2021.
"Steps towards a Dislocation Ontology for Crystalline Materials ", presented by Ahmad Z. Ihsan, Second International Workshop on Semantic Digital Twins (SeDiT 2021), 06.06.2021.
"Keynote on Community (and Community) Analysis: Can our community begin community-level analyses of (multi-)omically sensed communities?", presented by Pier Luigi Buttigieg, Marine environmental DNA workshop - A joint event of Ifremer, Fondation Tara Océan and EMBL, 26.04.2021.
"Introduction to HMC", presented by Helen Kollai, Sächsischen Landesinitiative für Forschungsdatenmanagement (SaxFDM), 21.02.2021.
“Overview of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform”, presented by Wolfgang Süß, Meeting EU project proposal - Storage Research Infrastructure Ecosystem (StoRIEs), 26.11.2020.
“Presentation about HMC”, presented by Barbara Port, Medizininformatik-Initiative/AG Interoperabilität, 05.11.2020.
“Overview of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Platform”, presented by Wolfgang Süß, European Energy Research Alliance, 05.11.2020.
“NFDI4Ing & HMC”, presented by Rainer Stotzka, NFDI4Ing meeting “Joint Lab Integrated Model and Data Driven Material Characterization”, 10/2020.
“Metadata Infrastructure”, presented by Rainer Stotzka, NFDI-MatWerk meeting “Materials Data Infrastructure”, 08/2020.
“Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Services”, presented by Michael Denker, NFDI – 3rd NFDI-Neuro Community Workshop, LMU Munich, 10.02.2020.
"Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) - FAIR Metadata for Energy", presented by Wolfgang Süß, Jan Schweikert, K.-Stucky, Mohamed Anis Koubaa, Leon Steinmeier, Felix Ballani, Carsten Hoyer-Klick, Helmholtz Energy Conference 2023, Koblenz, 12.-13.06.2023.
"HMC Dashboard on Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz", presented by Mojeeb Rahman Sedeqi, 15th BESSY User Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 22.06.2023.
"HMC Hub Matter, How are we making Matter data FAIR?", presented by Gerrit Günther, 15th BESSY User Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 22.06.2023.
"Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration - Facilitating FAIR metadata in Helmholtz", presented by Theresa Schaller, Gerrit Günther, Markus Kubin, Özlem Özkan, Florian Rau, Leon Steinmeier, HZDR Data Management Day, Dresden, 21.11.2023.
"5th DataHub Workshop: WG Metadata - Community Platform", presented by Andrea Pörsch, DataHub Meeting at GFZ; GEOMAR,19.-20.02.2023.
"Towards a FAIR Data Space for Helmholtz Earth and Environment data Infrastructures”, presented by Emanuel Söding, ESIP, January Meeting, 23.-27.01.2023.
"Building and exploring databases of research metadata with Beaverdam”, presented by Heather More, German Research Software Engineering Conference 2023 (deRSE23), Paderborn, Germany, 20.-21.02.2023.
"The EM glossary: a community effort to harmonize metadata in the electron microscopies”, presented by Volker Hofmann, MC2023, 28.02.2023..
"Interactively exploring metadata with Beaverdam”, presented by Heather More, Human Brain Project Summit 2023, Marseille, France, 27.-31.03.2023.
"Towards a harmonized data ecosystem in Earth and Environment - a view on the Helmholtz Association’s Data Infrastructures”, presented by Emanuel Söding, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 23.-28.04.2023.
"Rollen und Strukturen für eine vollständige Erfassung und Publikation von Forschungsdaten“, presented by Florian Rau, Theresa Schaller, Leon Steinmeier, F. Ballani, G. van den Boogaart Datenräume in Deutschland und Europa gestalten - Impulse der Wissenschaft, Hannover, 24.-25.04.2023.
"FAIR & Open Data”, presented by Witold Arndt, Marketplace Open Science Festival, Cologne, 04.06.2023.
"HMC Dashboard on Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz”, presented by Mojeeb Rahman Sedeqi, FAIRmat User Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 07.06.2023.
"Towards Intelligible Metadata”, presented by Gerrit Günther, Özlem Özkan, FAIRmat User Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 07.06.2023.
"DISOS: An Ontology Suite for Modelling Dislocations in Crystalline Materials”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, FEMS Euromat 2023, Frankfurt, Germany, 03.-07.09.2023.
"Metadata: The Not-So-Secret Ingredient for FAIR Research Data in Helmholtz”, presented by Christine Lemster, 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure, Karlsruhe, 12.-14.09.2023.
"Monitoring the State of Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz”, presented by Gabriel Preuß, CORDI 2023, Karlsruhe, Germany, 12.-14.09.2023.
"Metador; A metadata-centric framework for enabling FAIR research (meta)data handling", presented by Anton Pirogov, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"The Community Platform HMC Earth and Environment - current status”, presented by Andrea Pörsch, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Towards a Helmholtz Data Space - adjusting responsibilities for metadata data by the use of PIDS”, presented by Emanuel Söding, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"A Tool for Automatic Metadata Extraction and Schema Mapping for SEM Images”, presented by Elias Giulio Georg Vitali, Thomas Jejkal, Ajay Kirar, Reetu Elza Joseph, Volker Hartmann, Nicolas Blumenröhr, Maximilian Inckmann, Rossella Aversa, Rainer Stotzka, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Automating Metadata Handling in Research Software Engineering”, presented by Mustafa Soylu, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10-12.10.2023.
"DISOS: An ontology suite for modelling dislocations in crystalline materials”, presented by Ahmad Zainul Ihsan, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10-12.10.2023.
"Enhancing Usability in Linked Data Editing in Web Applications”, presented by, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Fundamentals of scientific metadata - didactic course design for a hands-on trainings course on metadata”, presented by Silke Gerlich, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"HMC Dashboard on Open and FAIR Data in Helmholtz”, presented by Mojeeb R. Sedeqi, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Is your data policy findable and accessible? Check these four elements”, presented by Özlem Özkan, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Leveraging FAIR Data practices through the HMC Information Portal”, presented by Lucas Kulla, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Semantico - Toolchain for literature classification”, presented by Mohamad Anis Koubaa, Wolfgang Süß, Karl-Uwe Stucky, Andreas Schmidt, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"The Helmholtz Digitization Ontology (HDO): Harmonized semantics for the Helmholtz digital ecosystem”, presented by Said Fathalla, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"The Helmholtz Knowledge Graph & the unified Helmholtz Information and data exchange (unHIDE)”, presented by Jens Bröder, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
“Towards Research Object Crates 1.2, with ro-crate-java”, presented by Andreas Pfeil, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
“Metador: A metadata centric framework for enabling FAIR research (meta)data handling”, presented by Anton Pirogov, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"User-Oriented, Reusable Components and Tools for the Integration of FDOs into the Daily Research Routine”, presented by Thomas Jejkal, M. Inckmann, Ajay Kirar, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"Zeitgeist: An Interactive FAIR Data Publishing System for Time Series Data”, presented by Andreas Schmidt, Mohamad Anis Koubaa, Jan Schweiker, Karl-Uwe Stucky, Wolfgang Süß, HMC Conference 2023, Online, 10.-12.10.2023.
"FAIR Data of Physical and Digital Beamlines”, presented by Gerrit Günther, ICALEPCS 2023, Cape Town, South Africa, 12.10.2023.
"Roles and Structures in Institutional Research Data Management Systems”, presented by Leon Steinmeier, Florian Rau, Theresa Schaller, SaxFDM-Tagung 2023, Chemnitz, 19.10.2023.
"A data-driven approach to improve distributed FAIR data in a cross disciplinary organization”, presented by Markus Kubin, International Data Week 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 23.-26.10.2023.
"Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration: Paving the road to FAIR for Helmholtz”, presented by Constanze Curdt, Christine Lemster, International Data Week 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 23.-26.10.2023.
"Towards a Common Data Space - Defining responsibilities for common data elements”, presented by Emanuel Söding, International Data Week 2023, Salzburg, Austria, 23.-26.10.2023.
"Automating Metadata Handling in Research Software Engineering”, presented by Anton Pirogov, Mustafa Soylu, Tag der Forschungsdaten, NRW RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 14.11.2023.
"Building and exploring databases of research metadata with Beaverdam”, presented by Heather More, Tag der Forschungsdaten, NRW RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 14.11.2023.
"Fundamentals of scientific metadata - How to teach metadata annotation in an approachable and hands-on way”, presented by Silke Gerlich, Tag der Forschungsdaten, NRW RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 14.11.2023.
"The Helmholtz Knowledge Graph and the unified Helmholtz Information and data exchange (unHIDE)”, presented by Jens Bröder, Tag der Forschungsdaten, NRW RWTH Aachen University, Germany, 14.11.2023.
"The Transparent Virtual Round Table of The HMC - Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration Earth and Environment Hub”, presented by Andrea Pörsch, Berlin.
“inst.dlr - Semantic database”, presented by Witold Arndt, PK-D Mindshare, Cologne, 23. - 24.11.2022.
„HMC - FAIR Metadata for Energy“, presented by Wolfgang Süß and Carsten Hoyer-Klick, Jahrestreffen Energiesystemanalyse, 08. - 09.11.2022.
“Workflows for metadata management in neuroscience”, presented by Heather More, Data stewardship goes Germany workshop, 13. - 14.10.2022.
“The A4 experiment - from Data to Data Publication”, presented by Gerrit Günther, PUNCH4NFDI annual meeting, Göttingen, 28. - 29.09.2022.
“A Common PID Kernel Information Profile for the German Helmholtz Association of Research Centres”, presented by Thomas Jejkal, International Data Week 2022, .
“Developing hands-on session for research data management training: first implementation and review”, presented by Luigia Cristiano, International Data Week 2022, 20. - 23.06.2022.
“Lessons learned from applying the FAIR data maturity model to an instrument in the physical sciences”, presented by Markus Kubin, International Data Week 2022, 20. - 23.06.2022.
“FAIR Digital Object Concept for Composing Machine Learning Training Data”, presented by Nicolas Blumenröhr, International Data Week 2022, 20. – 23.06.2022.
“The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) – Addressing metadata in a large research association”, presented by Christine Lemster, International Data Week 2022, 20. – 23.06.2022.
“Improving reusability through metadata – Development and implementation of a sufficient metadata infrastructure in a large research association”, presented by Christine Lemster, The 17th International Digital Curation conference (IDCC), 13. – 16.06.2022.
„Metadatamanagement - How to make your data FAIR“, presented by Theresa Schaller, Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, München, 07. - 10.03.2022.
“A Road to Data Liberation in Helmholtz”, presented by Christine Lemster, Open Science Conference 2022, 08. - 10.03.2022.
“HMC Co-Design Process”, presented by Emanuel Soeding, ESIP January 2022, 18.01.2022.
“HMC Hub Matter@HZB”,presented by Oonagh Mannix, DESY/EuXFEL user meeting.
"Metadata Schemas for FAIR Data in Materials Science: Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Use Case: A detailed and practical schema developed in cooperation with materials scientists", presented by Reetu Joseph, RDA vP18, 01.11.2021.
"Making computational materials science data FAIR", presented by Jens Bröder, DPG SKM21, 27.09. - 01.10.2021.
"Introduction to HMC", presented by Emanuel Söding, Digital Earth Workshop, 21.09.2021.
"Opportunities and challenges in coordinated metadata for EM", presented by Oonagh Mannix and Volker Hofmann, JEELS: Journées EELS and Arbeitskreistreffen Energiefilterung und EELS, 30.08. - 02.09.2021.
"Opportunities and challenges in coordinated metadata for EM", presented by Oonagh Mannix, Luigia Cristiano and Volker Hofmann,MC 2021 Microscopy conference, 24.08.2021.
"Together towards FAIR metadata - the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration", presented by Jens Bröder, Virtual Materials Design 2021 Workshop, 20.-21.07.2021.
"Introduction to HMC", presented by Emanuel Söding, ESIP Summer Meeting, July 2021.
"MetaStore—Enable FAIR Metadata Documents", presented by Volker Hartmann, RDA vP17, 20.04.2021.
"RDA Metadata Standards Catalog Adoption", presented by Volker Hartmann, RDA vP17, 20.04.2021.
"RDA Collection Registry Adoption", presented by Thomas Jejkal, RDA vP17, 20.04.2021.
"FAIR Digital Object Ecosystem Testbed", presented by Andreas Pfeil, RDA vP17, 20.04.2021.
"Metadata Editor", presented by Sabrine Chelbi, RDA vP17, 20.04.2021.
“HMC Hub matter - a resource for scientific data in the German research landscape”, presented by Oonagh Mannix, MSE Congress, 22.-25.09.2020.