Research Data Policy, Guideline and Related Website Content Review for GSI/FAIR
Our role was to help GSI/FAIR develop a comprehensive research data management policy that meets the needs of the organization. This involved reviewing the draft policy, identifying gaps and opportunities for improvement, and designing a customized approach that aligns with GSI/FAIR's goals, values, and objectives. If you need assistance with the creation of data policies write here
Research Data Policy Review for HZB
The Research Data Policy of the Helmholtz Center Berlin (HZB) was analyzed for adherence to the FAIRsFAIR Data Policy checklist and key principles within a Proton and Neutron Research Infrastructures Data Policy of the ExPaNDS Project. This enhances the quality, reproducibility, and transparency of research results and facilitate collaboration and data sharing among researchers and cross-facility. If you require assistance with data policies, please reach out to hub-matter@helmholtz-berlin.de
Repositories and Standards in Hub Matter
(Meta-)data standards and repositories both play a key role on the road to FAIR. Especially if they are intentionally developed together and widely accepted. For this, visionary policies and a strong orientation towards researchers' needs are crucial. Hub Matter is currently engaged in identifying the status quo (results of a qualitative survey here) and developing further coordination opportunities.
From Experiment to Data Publication
EMIL at HZB - FAIR Principles in Practice
We developed workflows around the FAIR principles for the Energy Materials In-Situ Laboratory Berlin (EMIL) at BESSY II which provides a unique analytical instrumentation in direct combination with an industrially-relevant deposition tool. The metadata collection was improved by integrating an instrument PID, an electronic laboratory book, and a sample tracking system along with staff training. An automatic (meta)data collection workflow was implemented where produced NeXus files become publicly available through the ICAT repository.