Helmholtz digital assets at your fingertips!
Explore the wealth of Helmholtz data, digital assets, resources and infrastructure in one place: the Helmholtz Knowledge Graph (Helmholtz KG)
The unified Helmholtz Data and Information Exchange (unHIDE) is an initiative of HMC that aims to harmonise and consolidate the representation of digital assets within the Helmholtz association (HGF). For this, we develop the Helmholtz Knowledge Graph (Helmholtz KG) as a central resource that harvests metadata from data providers such as repositories, libraries, code deposits from all over Helmholtz. We are working together with data providers to semantically harmonise the relevant metadata in order to represent the Helmholtz digital ecosystem in a highly interconnected fashion and increase their visibility on the web directly.
Scientists can use the Helmholtz KG to search and find digital assets relevant to their work, for example FAIR research data that can be reused for their purposes or other experts in the field to connect to and collaborate with. The graph can be explored through our user interface or by queries through SPARQL.
Are you a data provider and would like to work with us in order to increase the visibility of your data and digital resources on the web and connect it to the Helmholtz KG? Contact us and check out our documentation to learn about our connectivity conventions for your metadata!
Helmholtz KG User Interface
Visit our search interface and explore the data in the Helmholtz KG through key word, category browsing or filtered searches.
SPARQL endpoint
We are offering a Virtuoso SPARQL endpoint to query the full RDF graph using the SPARQL query language.
unHIDE documentation
Read more about our scope, our connectivity conventions and the technology behind the graph in our documentation!