HMC Dialogue
HMC Dialogue

A HMC internal lecture series

With the aim of internal exchange, HMC staff members present their newly developed concepts, ontologies, software solutions or learning materials to the HMC public in the “HMC Dialogue” lecture series.

The HMC Dialogue is a biweekly virtual meeting for internal HMC discussions and presentations. As an HMC member, you are free to place relevant topics you would like to share and discuss with your HMC peers - this can be presenting your findings, recent developments, new ideas. The time slot is every second Friday at 10:00 - 11:00 AM unless stated other in the table.




14 June 2024

Markus Kubin & Lucas Kulla
Mirl Trösch (Office)

Exploring Promising Use Cases for the CCT1 dataset and the generic Information Portal"

19 April 2024

Oliver Rach, Felix Mühlbauer, Gunnar Pruß, Marc Hanisch, Martin Hammitzsch

ALAMEDA - Final presentation of the HMC project

9 February 2024

Christoph Feest & Mayra Marin (Helmholtz AI)

Helmholtz AI - democratising access to AI

26 January 2024

Deborah Schmidt, Philipp Heuser, Sara Krause-Solberg
(Helmholtz Imaging)

Helmholtz Imaging. Capturing the world of science

20 January 2024

Uwe Jandt
(HIFIS Coordinator)

Franz Rhee, Sophie Servan

Helmholtz Cloud Services and Research Software Consulting

8 December 2023

Fabian Kirchner
(Hub Information)

From Ontologies to Knowledge Graphs with the ELN Herbie

20 October 2023

Jens Bröder
(Hub Information) & colleagues

unHide – the unified Helmholtz Information and data exchange

6 October 2023

Dr. Nick Garabedian
(Hub Information)

FAIR Vocabularies in the Center of Daily FAIR Data Production

22 September 2023

Anton Pirogov & Mustafa Soylu

FAIR metadata 4 Software

30 June 2023
14 July 2023

Sören Lorenz
(HMC Speaker)

HMC Evaluation

7 July 2023

Fiona D'Mello

Elements of User Experience [20mins talk
+ 5-10 mins Q&A]

23 June 2023

Dr. Jens Bröder
(Hub Information)

About real life provenance in simulation science. Use case: materials science deploying AiIDA

10 March 2023

Markus Kubin
(Hub Matter)

Hub Matter

24 February 2023

Oliver Rach
(Hub Earth & Environment)

HMC Project Alameda

3 February 2023

Roland Bertelmann
(Open Science Office)

Helmholtz Open Science Policy and its importance for HMC

27 January 2023

Laura Hillmann
(Hub Earth & Environment)

HMC Project eFAIRs

16 December 2022

Anton Pirogov

Presentation / Discussion on current Status of Provenance Document

2 December 2022

Nick Garabedian
(KIT, HMC Project MetaCook)

HMC Project MetaCook - start your FAIR journey with VocPopuli

15.07.2022 - 1 slot*

Kathrin Wolf and collegueas, MetaMap3 project

Metadata mapping across the three domains health, environment and earth observation (HMGU, UFZ, DLR)

15.07.2022 - 2 slot*

Oliver Knodel et al., HELIPORT project

Scientific project lifecycle management and project metadata


Dr. Daniel Mohr, Hub AST

riaf -- a Repository Infrastructure that Accommodates Files


Pier Luigi Buttigieg, for CCT-3

"Introducing the HMC FAIR Implementation Guidance: From principles to coordinate action"


Luigia Cristiano, Hub Matter

Jupyter notebooks for the RDM training


Said Fathalla & Volker Hofmann (FZJ)




Jan Scholtyssek, Hub Health

"Ontologies and classifications in Health Research"



Pitch perfect


Hub E&E

Anforderungen an FAIR. Eine Beschreibung der "Road to FAIR" anhand von Communityempfehlungen.



Carsten Hoyer-Klick, Hub Energy

Implementing FAIR through a distributed data infrastructure


G. van den Boogaart, Hub Energy

Anforderungen an ein Konzept für Daten und Metadatenmanagement.