We are pleased to present our recommendations, factsheets and reports on this page.
HMC Paper
HMC Paper 1 | FAIR Principles
An interpretation of the FAIR principles to guide implementations in the HMC digital ecosystem
In this interpretation we consider managers, tool-developers, data managers, and researchers amongst others; and provide guidance to these disparate roles on applying the FAIR principles in their professional lives.
To the document: DOI 10.3289/HMC_publ_01.
HMC Paper 2 | FAIR Digital Objects
Helmholtz Kernel Information Profile
In this document we present our proposal of basic properties that should be part of every PID Kernel Information Profile and PID Record created in the framework of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC).
To the document: DOI 10.3289/HMC_publ_03.
HMC Paper 3 | Versioning
Guidance on Versioning of Digital Assets
This document provides an introduction to the principles of versioning, technical recommendations on how to manage version histories, and discusses some pitfalls and possible solutions.
To the document: DOI 10.3289/HMC_publ_04.
HMC Reports
HMC Report 1 | HMC Comunity Survey 2021
A survey on research data management practices among researchers in the Helmholtz Association
The HMC Community Survey 2021 provides insight into the research data management as well as the data publication practices of researchers in the Helmholtz Association. This report summarizes the relevant findings.
To the document: DOI 10.3289/HMC_publ_05.
HMC Report 2 | Data Infrastructure (GERMAN)
Die Dateninfrastruktur (DIS)-Erhebung im Forschungsbereich Erde und Umwelt der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft: Erste Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen
Ziel dieser Erhebung ist es, einen Überblick über bestehende Praktiken und Entwicklungsstände der Dateninfrastrukturen (DIS) in der Helmholtz Gemeinschaft im Bereich Erde und Umwelt zu erhalten, um eine konsistente Strategie zur Umsetzung eines FAIRen Datenraumes entwickeln zu
können. Die Ergebnisse sind hier dargestellt.
Zum Dokument und Datensatz: DOI 10.3289/HMC_publ_06.