Earth and Environment Project Suggestions

Earth and Environment Project Suggestions

"Put RDM on steroids - turn your idea into reality!"

HMC project calls are issued once a year, usually in spring.

To further the Earth and Environment Data Structures in-line with HMC concepts, we suggest and welcome solutions in the following areas:

  • consistent use of community agreed PID systems into data infrastructures or tools, e.g. DOI, ROR, ORCID, IGSN, PIDINst, DataCITE, DataTypes (e.g. or others.

  • consistent semantic concepts, e.g. vocabularies or ontologies, blending into existing semantic systems or terminology services.

  • containerization of metadata through Fair Digital Objects or Research Object Crates.

  • interoperable APIs between data repositiories, allowing us to develop knowledge graphs across multiple repositories.

  • Small discipline specific knowledge graphs, allowing to aggregate data from different repositories

  • Harmonized data handling processes (SOPs) across multiple Helmholtz Centres, e.g. implementing electronic lab books.

  • Metrics to evaluate FAIR-ification within Helmholtz

  • Innovative education and training concepts

For questions or support please contact a team member closest or known to you, or write to

See the team-page for contact details in your center.