Earth and Environment Project Suggestions
"Put RDM on steroids - turn your idea into reality!"
HMC project calls are issued once a year, usually in spring.
To further the Earth and Environment Data Structures in-line with HMC concepts, we suggest and welcome solutions in the following areas:
consistent use of community agreed PID systems into data infrastructures or tools, e.g. DOI, ROR, ORCID, IGSN, PIDINst, DataCITE, DataTypes (e.g. http://typeregistry.org) or others.
consistent semantic concepts, e.g. vocabularies or ontologies, blending into existing semantic systems or terminology services.
containerization of metadata through Fair Digital Objects or Research Object Crates.
interoperable APIs between data repositiories, allowing us to develop knowledge graphs across multiple repositories.
Small discipline specific knowledge graphs, allowing to aggregate data from different repositories
Harmonized data handling processes (SOPs) across multiple Helmholtz Centres, e.g. implementing electronic lab books.
Metrics to evaluate FAIR-ification within Helmholtz
Innovative education and training concepts
For questions or support please contact a team member closest or known to you, or write to hmc-hub-ee@geomar.de.
See the team-page for contact details in your center.