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What is the Information Portal?
The Information Portal maps metadata and FAIR practices across the Helmholtz Association and beyond.
It allows you to monitor and evaluate these resources, as well as explore and contribute to the collection of results across the Helmholtz community. Thus, the Information Portal platform can be used as a basis for making decisions at different levels while integrating different stakeholders.
The current status of the Information Portal is publicly available at informationportal.helmholtz-metadaten.de.
The Information Portal is a collaborative development by Hub Health, Hub Matter and the Hub Energy, and is currently under development. If you have any suggestions, questions, ideas for improvement or criticism, please feel free to contact us by E-mail.
How can the Information Portal be used in different domains?
The use cases of the Information Portal extend into a wide variety of domains. Possible examples are:
Helping to apply FAIR principles in distributed networks with shared data, like in health or research networks
Helping with stakeholder onboarding in sensitive environments such as hospitals
Addressing legal aspects such as data protection and trade secrets
Making resources easier to find by collecting and sharing metadata
Supporting data accessibility through trusted research or processing environments, e.g. for federated machine learning Improve interoperability by adopting