Governance and Board of HMC
The HMC Board helps shaping the overall direction of the Helmholtz Metadaten Collaboration. Learn more about the minds behind HMC.
The HMC governance structure is predefined by Helmholtz and identical for all incubator platforms. It includes three bodies: the Collaboration Board, which oversees the operation of HMC; the Steering Board, which acts as the interface to the Helmholtz Members Assembly; and the international Scientific Advisory Board, which provides independent high-level advice on progress and activities.
Collaboration Board
The Collaboration Board oversees daily operations and consists of representatives from each of the six HMC partner centres. The Collaboration Board meets monthly summoned by the HMC speaker.
Steering Board
The Steering Board (SB) was appointed by the Helmholtz member’s assembly and comprises delegates from the six Helmholtz research areas, plus one representative from the Helmholtz Open Science Office. The Steering Board meets twice a year to oversee the HMC project call, HMC annual reporting, and to give advice.
Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research
Research Area Earth and Environment
Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - German Research Centre for Geosciences
Research Area Earth and Environment
Scientific Advisory Board
The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB), composed of independent international experts, was appointed by the Helmholtz President in Spring 2021. The SAB meets twice a year to provide advice on the HMC project call, on community networking at all levels, and on envisaged developments and the service portfolio.