HMC Dashboards

Explore Helmholtz Metadata Practices

Use our HMC Dashboards to investigate current metadata practices in your domain and Helmholtz in general

With our dashboards, you can interactively explore the current state on various metadata topics. For example, filter responses by individual science communities, compare the responses of different questions, and gain insight into how knowledge workers handle research data in Helmholtz. Want to dive deeper into the data? Then click on our dashboards.

HMC Survey Data Explorer

In our HMC Survey Data Explorer you can interactively investigate the survey results yourself! Filter the results for individual rexsearch communities, compare answers and co-responses of any survey question, and get in depth knowledge about the research data handling of the Helmholtz scientific community in our HMC Survey Data Explorer.

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HMC FAIR Data Dashboard

The HMC FAIR Data Dashboard allows users to monitor and interactively analyze statistics on open and FAIR data produced by Helmholtz researchers. You can use it to analyze in which repositories researchers in Helmholtz make their data publicly available, to monitor progression over time and understand what you can do to improve the FAIRness of your data.

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