Our favorite training resources and materials
For those who would like to inform themselves about metadata, research data management, etc., we recommend our annotated collection of our favorite training resources and materials. If you think we have missed some great resources, we would love to hear from you.
In the future, we will expand our collection of materials to event materials that have been produced in the context of HMC workshops, trainings or other events. It will also contain a list of recommendations for e-learning platforms and other resources that convey FAIR-relevant topics in a well-prepared way.
Overview of the FAIR principles and option to deepen the knowledge with "self-training modules"
The FAIR Guiding Principles for scientific data management and stewardship
By: M.D. Wilkinson et al. 2016
THE article for FAIR principles
The FOSTER e-learning platform offers open educational resources about Open Science strategies and skills; including a course module about FAIRness assessment of research data. Each course takes about 1-2 hours to work through. The FOSTER Plus project was an EU-funded project carried out by 11 partners across 6 countries.
Based at the University of Oxford, FAIRsharing is a portal hosting knowledge material on 3 main topics: Metadata standards, databases and data policies. The material discovery can be guided by keywords search and is organized in 3 macro areas : Recommendations, collections and educational.
The registry button "Standard" links straight to a list of terminology artefacts, models/formats, reporting guidelines and identifier schemas that can make it easier to get started with metadata annotation.
EU- FAIR practices
Report analyses the state of FAIR practices within diverse research communities and FAIR-related policies in different countries and offers six practical recommendations on how FAIR can be turned into practice.
4TU. Research Data Games
Collection of minigames on data management from the 4TU.ResearchData (NL)
A collection of relevant training material for data management, with a focus on life science. The RDMkit is a guide on all steps within the data life cycle and is part of the EU-project ELIXIR-CONVERGE.
DMT-Clearinghouse provides further links to training and cookbooks for data handling for a diverse range of research fields. Originated from a collaboration in the field of earth sciences and DataONE, a data repository.
Training platform developed in the framework of Elixir initiative, It hosts a rich material collection, training events and learning paths.
Knowledge Clips-UGhent
Youtube channel curated by the Ghent Uni Library team. The team activity is dedicated to support data users and producers with information on RDM practices. Knowledge topics for this set of videos are Data Management Plan, FAIR data.
General: On the English Pages they have assembled a wealth of information concerning research data management (RDM), focusing on German particularities such as legal issues, funding, guidelines and policies and more. They are not providing a complete translation of the German version of forschungsdaten.info.
FAIR: Description of how to get „FAIRe Daten“ with a good link collection round about the FAIR topic.
Keywords: FAIRe Daten | Veröffentlichen und Archivieren | Themen | Forschungsdaten und Forschungsdatenmanagement
Deutsch | English
(German/Deutsch) Entry point to the DINI nestor initiative website. Publications are here hosted focusing on use cases and guidelines for FDM.