Helmholtz research field matter explores fundamental questions about the origin and nature of matter across multiple orders of magnitude – from elementary particles, to complex and functional materials, to gigantic structures in the universe.
Research is conducted in three complementary programs: matter and the universe, matter and technologies, and from matter to materials and life. Matter and the universe explores questions related to particle and astroparticle physics. Matter and technologies concentrates on new concepts for accelerators and detectors. From matter to materials and life uses large scale infrastructure (photon, neutron, ion and high-field devices) to investigate the structure, dynamics and function of matter.
Hub matter develops general strategies for research data management across the three programs in research field matter. These strategies are designed with and for scientists, and so are customised to the requirements of specific disciplines. This includes establishing administrative procedures, technical workflows and tools, and training in how to create reusable research data.onsortia DAPHNE, PUNCH4NFDI and FAIRmat.