Use Cases
In 2021 we presented a first use case at ICALEPCS entitled 'FAIR meets EMIL: Principles in Practice'.
A conference paper, and slides are available here:
The application of the FAIR principles to a synchrotron beamline, EMIL, in its final stage of commissioning was considered. Although a specific instrument was considered we aimed to provide generalisable results and solutions. These include:
using the RDA FAIR data maturity model to perform a gap analysis
designing an experimental workflow to optimise both metadata collection and the user's experience
practical implementation in the form of interfaces between infrastructure, harvesting and conversion of data to NeXus, installation of an electronic laboratory notebook, assigning an instrument PID, and protype sample tracking system
training course to upgrade staff knowledge on metadata management and famliarisation with new tools
For more information please contact us!
We are currently working on a second use case together with GSI and HI Mainz. Stay tuned for more information!