Unser Team

Emanuel Soeding

Location: GEOMAR, Kiel
Expertise: RDM, Project Management, Data Science, Geoscience

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Andrea Pörsch

Standort: GFZ, Potsdam
Expertise: Geodateninfrastrukturen, ISO 19115, OGC CSW 2.0.2 AP SO, INSPIRE, GDI-DE, GDI-BB

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Dorothee Kottmeier

Location: HMC@PANGAEA / marum Bremen

Expertise: RDM, Semantik, Repositories

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Stanislav Malinovschii

Location: GEOMAR, Kiel
Data Steward for Earth and Environment metadata at HMC. Active with data management standards, architectures and tools.

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Helen Kollai (former)

Helen Kollai is now at the National Monitoring Centre for Biodiversity in Leipzig.

Martin Weinelt (ehemalig)

Standort: GEOMAR, Kiel
Expertise: Data Steward für Metadaten Erde und Umwelt bei HMC. Schwerpunkte sind räumliche Informationssysteme, Datenmanagement-Standards, Architekturen und Werkzeuge.

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Pascal Walter (ehemalig)

re3data dashboard

Yousef Razeghi (former)

Standort: UFZ, Leipzig
Expertise: RDM, Software Development, Data Science

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