Training course: Fundamentals of scientific metadata - why context matters!
Info: The course will be held online and run from 9 am to 1 pm of April 28th and 29th.
Description: This course is an entry-level introduction to the fundamentals of scientific metadata for PhD students, early-career researchers and Postdocs. In this course we will look at the intricate relationship between (digital) research data, metadata and knowledge, discuss why metadata is critical in today's research, as well as explain some of the technologies and concepts related to structured machine-readable metadata.
Motivation: Have you ever struggled to make sense of scientific data provided by a collaborator - or even understanding your own data 5 months after publication? Do you see difficulties in meeting the data description requirements of your funding agency? Do you want your data to have lasting value, but don’t know how to ensure that?
Precise and structured description of research data is key for scientific exchange and progress - and also for the recognition of your effort in data collection. The solution: make your data findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable by describing them with metadata.
This course is targeted especially at scientific staff and researchers in the Helmholtz research field “Information” but is open to anyone, who would like to better understand research data annotation with metadata.
You will learn:
about the differences between and the importance of data & metadata
to annotate your research data with structured metadata
to find and evaluate a suitable metadata framework and data repository
to use basic Markdown / JSON / XML
which tools are already available to level up your metadata annotation game
why structured metadata is important and how it can increase your scientific visibility
Further Information & Registration!
organized by: HMC Hub Information
located at Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9) @ FZJ