AutoPeroSol: Towards automatic data management and a common ontology for perovskite solar cell device data

A general photovoltaic device and materials data base compliant with FAIR principles is expected to greatly benefit research and development of solar cells. Because data are currently heterogeneous in different labs working on a variety of different materials and cell concepts, database development should be accompanied by ontology development. Based on a recently published literature database for perovskite solar cells, we have started an ontology for these devices and materials which could be extended to further photovoltaic applications.
In order to facilitate data management at the lab scale and to allow easy upload of data and metadata to the database, electronic lab notebooks customized for perovskite solar research are developed in cooperation with the NFDI-FAIRmat project.
AutoPeroSol is a joint project between the Helmholtz Centres HZB, KIT and FZJ funded within the HMC Project Cohort 2020.
Utama, Choubrac, Becker, Steinkopf, Unold; “Rapid analysis of secondary phases and prediction of photovoltaic performance in multinary chalcogenides”, MRS Fall Meeting, 26.11.-11.12.2023.
Götte, Röschmann; “TFSCO”;
T. Unold, Article, “Accelerating research on novel photovoltaic materials”, DOI: 10.1039/d2fd00085g.
T. Unold, Invited lecture, “Accelerating research on novel photovoltaic materials”, Faraday Discussion, Bath, England, June 2022.
T. Unold, Invited lecture, “Discovery and Optimization of Novel photovoltaic Materials”, COMBI2022, Denver, USA, September 2022.