List of identified linked open data vocabularies to be included in IGSN metadata


Linked open data vocabularies allow for a concise and unambiguous language to describe samples in machine-actionable and interoperable form. They also ensure the possibility of interlinking and comparing samples for which similar or the same terms are used. With the first deliverable of the FAIR WISH project, we identified a list of linked open data vocabularies to be included in IGSN metadata.

Using controlled vocabularies is an important step for harmonised metadata and crucial for avoiding typographic errors and differences due to different spelling of, e.g. country names in different languages. These controlled vocabularies in RDF/ SKOS format allow direct comparison between terms from different vocabularies and are important contribution to interoperable metadata. Some linked-data vocabularies are already in use for data management and publications at GFZ Data Services and Hereon. They provide the basis for our recommendations. Furthermore, these and further vocabularies are evaluated in this document for application within the IGSN metadata.

The list is dynamic, and will be growing as more samples are being registered. The vocabularies themselves may lack in some cases specific terms, which then can be registered with the regulating body of the vocabulary. During the planned user workshops, we will discuss the linking of samples and measurements with the participants and additionally address the need for more terms to describe a sample, when including further sample types and/or locations.
