FAIR WISH: FAIR Workflows to establish IGSN for Samples in the Helmholtz Association

FAIR Workflows to establish IGSN for Samples in the Helmholtz Association” (FAIR WISH) is a joint project between the Helmholtz Centres GFZ, AWI and Hereon funded within the HMC Project Cohorte 2020 of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Platform.
The International Generic Sample Number (IGSN) is a globally unique and persistent identifier (PID) for physical samples and collections with discovery function in the internet. IGSNs enable to directly link data and publications with samples they originate from and thus close one of the last gaps in the full provenance of research results.
FAIR WISH will (1) develop standardised and discipline specific IGSN metadata schemes for different samples types within the research field Earth and Environment (EaE) that are complementing the core IGSN metadata schema; and (2) develop workflows to generate machine-readable IGSN metadata from different states of digitisation (from templates to databases) and to automatically register IGSNs. Our use cases were selected to include the large variety of sample types from different sub-disciplines across the project partners (e.g. terrestrial, marine environments, rock, soil, vegetation, water samples) and represent all states of digitization: from individual scientists, collecting sample descriptions in their field books to digital sample management systems fed by an app that is used in the field.
M Wieczorek et al.: “On FAIR Data and samples”, International Paleofire Network workshop: Long‐term fire‐vegetation change: data‐based challenges. 13.‐17.02.2023; https://events.gwdg.de/event/377/contributions/788/.
B. Heim et. al.; “Central and Eastern Siberian High Latitude Lake Hydrochemistry”, EGU 2023, Vienna, 23.‐27.04.2023; https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere‐egu23‐16527.
L. Baldewein et al.; “HCDC datasearch portal: Replacing legacy solutions with a unified open‐source portal”, EGU 2023, Vienna, 23.‐27.04.2023; https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere‐egu23‐3269.
M. Wieczorek et al.; “FAIR WISH project – developing metadata templates for IGSN Registration for various sample types”, EGU 2023, Vienna, 23.‐27.04.2023; https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere‐egu23‐13514.
M. Wieczorek et al.; “The FAIR SAMPLES template for IGSN sample registration”, Data Science Symposium No. 9, 2023, 04.05.2023.
Brauser et al.; “Improving Sample Metadata Descriptions in EaE Sciences by using the FAIR SAMPLES Template”, Berlin 2023, 06.09.2023.
Brauser et al.; “Introduction to the IGSN data model”, regular internal meeting on "Utilisation and integration of a sample management tool in pilot laboratories of the GFZ", 20.10.2023.
K. Elger et al.; “Making your samples FAIR – tools and recommendations from the FAIR WISH Project”, HMC Conference, Online, 10.‐12.10.2023; https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10698918.
K. Elger; “Using PIDs in a domain repository – benefits and challenges”, International Data Week, Salzburg, 23.‐26.10.2023.
Baldewein, Linda, Brauser, Alexander, Elger, Kirsten, Heim, Birgit, & Wieczorek, Mareike. (2022). FAIR WISH D1 - List of identified linked open data vocabularies to be included in IGSN metadata (Version 1). Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6787200.
Brauser, A., Wieczorek, M., Frenzel, S., Heim, B., Baldewein, L., Kleeberg, U., & Elger, K. (2023). FAIR WISH: Sample description template. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.7520015.
Elger, K., Frenzel, S., & Brauser, A. (2022). IGSN International Generic Sample Numbers - uniquely identifying your samples. https://doi.org/10.5281/ZENODO.7370845.
Wieczorek, Mareike, Heim, Birgit, Brauser, Alexander, Elger, Kirsten, & Baldewein, Linda. (2022a). FAIR WISH D2 - Exemplary standardised metadata templates for Geo-Bio samples (vegetation, wa-ter, sediment, rock samples) for all use cases. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7147532.
Wieczorek, Mareike, Heim, Birgit, Brauser, Alexander, Elger, Kirsten, & Baldewein, Linda. (2022b). FAIR WISH D3 - Assisting and Assessing User application of the FAIR SAMPLES Template. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7377904.
Wieczorek, Mareike, Brauser, Alexander, Heim, Birgit, Baldewein, Linda, & Elger, Kirsten. (2022c). Video Tutorial for the FAIR SAMPLES Template. Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7381390.
Edmunds, K. & Elger., K.; Poster „IN25D-0353: The IGSN–DataCite Partnership: Realizing the IGSN 2040 Vision”, AGU 2022 (Dec 12-17, 2022; Chicago)
Elger K. et al., Talk “Project FAIR WISH: FAIR Workflows to establish IGSN for Samples in the Helmholtz Association”, HMC conference (Oct 5-6, 2022; online)
Wieczorek M. et al., Poster „FAIR WISH project – Developing templates to register IGSNs for various sample types”, HMC conference (Oct 5-6, 2022; online)
Baldewein, L. et al., Conference Presentation “FAIR WISH - FAIR Workflows to establish IGSN for Samples in the Helmholtz Association”, Data Science Symposium No. 7 (2022)
Baldewein, L. et al., vPICO/Conference Presentation “FAIR WISH - FAIR Workflows to establish IGSN for Samples in the Helmholtz Association”, EGU 2022 (May 23-27, 2022; Vienna)
Frenzel, S. et al., Documentation of the GFZ ISGN metadata schema (version 1) (internal, not yet publicly available)
Heim, B. & Wieczorek, M.; Lecture „Data Collection course in Earth sciences (outreach: students learn about best practice in sample collection, IGSN)“, University Potsdam