PIDA is a service providing unique persistent URLs (PURLs) for referencing digital assets on the web. Using our service will help you to ensure that your digital assets remain findable and can be accessed reliably by both humans and machines in the long term. The service provides content negotiation and is thus ideally suited to be used for the development of ontologies.

Some of PIDA’s key features are:

  • provides persistent and globally unique identifiers (PURLs)

  • easy to create and update

  • supports content negotiation (i.e. HTML, OWL, TTL, RDF)

  • secure https communications protocol

  • persistent for 10+ years

Find about more about PIDA in this HMC Use Case

Making FAIR vocabularies Findable – VocPopuli and PIDA
Within the MetaCook project funded by HMC, the team at KIT and Hereon is developing VocPopuli - a tool for the collaborative development and harmonization of domain terminologies. HMC's PID service "PIDA" supports content negotiation for findable and harmonized vocabularies.