HMC at the 8th Data Science Symposium in Kiel
In 2022 we presented our initial Earth and Environment Roadshow at the 7th Data Science Symposium (DSS) at Hereon in Geesthacht. This year we presented HMC at the 8th Data Science Symposium 2023 at GEOMAR in Kiel on June 8-9, 2023. The DSS is part of a series of symposia organized by AWI, GEOMAR and Hereon and was established in 2017. It features talks, demonstrations and discussions on the overarching topics of data, infrastructures, initiatives, and data science in the earth sciences.
This year the topics data aggregation across domains and scales and collaborative data science and workflows were specifically addressed. The program featured a number of very interesting scientific oral and poster presentations, stimulating many lively discussions.
Just a month after our evaluation, HMC presented information on our latest developments. This included several online demonstrations of e.g. the HMC FAIR Dashboard, and the Knowledge Graph of the unHIDE project, as well as our database with FAIR recommendations.
Another focus was put on the current HMC project call. The adapted terms of the call were explained and possible project ideas were discussed. The many interesting conversations and contacts let us hope for many exciting project proposals for the HMC Project Call 2023.
The ninth Data Science Symposium will take place in Bremen on 14-15 March, 2024.