HMC @ GEOMAR Science Day


On 1 October 2024, the GEOMAR Science Day took place, an internal event hosted by the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. The day aimed to foster exchange between researchers and departments, showcase ongoing projects, and strengthen internal connections.

The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) Office Team used this opportunity to present the platform with a poster, focusing on the importance of metadata for the sustainable use of research data.

Exchange and Strategic Impulses

During the event, engaging conversations took place with researchers from various disciplines. These discussions provided valuable insights into the challenges of research data management and offered impulses for strategic considerations on how HMC can better support the Helmholtz Association community.

One key takeaway: events like these are well worth attending, as they help establish personal connections, promote internal collaboration, and facilitate discussions on current and future needs.

The GEOMAR Science Day 2024 thus proved to be a great opportunity to present HMC's work and strengthen dialogue within the Helmholtz community.