MeSyTo - Metadata frameworks for facilitating interoperability in systems toxicology and pharmacology

In toxicology and pharmacology data from chemistry, biology, informatics, and human or ecosystem health science merge and toxicological metadata need to become interoperable and compliant with existing ontology-based data infrastructures of these fields.
A team from three Helmholtz programs (Earth and Environment, Information, and Health) from the Helmholtz Centres UFZ, HZI and KIT, funded within the HMC Project Cohort 2023, will review existing metadata standards and ontologies across fields and generate an integrative, suitable ontology for the annotation of toxicological/pharmacological data and workflows from the experimental design to the data deposit in repositories.
We will establish a metadata framework for the FAIR description of exposure and experimental settings interlinked with chemical IDs and data processing workflows using ‘omics data, which will be implemented into the community-based “Galaxy” project. This will enable interoperability between disciplines to address the grand challenges of chemical pollution and human and ecosystem health.