Providing technical solutions for realizing the FAIR Principles is one important goal in working package FAIR Data Commons. The vision is to establish internationally discussed and accepted concepts, standards and interfaces within the Helmholtz Association, in the first step for harmonizing metadata handling within the association and later on beyond Helmholtz. The majority of services presented here are strictly following existing standards and recommendations. Other services are supposed to realized basic processes for realizing the FAIR Principles technically and can be understood as suggestion for custom implementations.
All published services of working package FAIR Data Commons are available as a public source code repository under Open Source license.
Collection Registry
The Collection Registry is an interface specification for CRUD (Create, Read, Update and Delete) operations on collections of resources.
Metastore is a metadata schema registry and metadata repository allowing to register, validate and modify huge numbers of different metadata schemas and metadata documents.
Metadata Standards Catalog
The Metadata Standards Catalog is an adoption of an RDA outcome focussing on providing information about metadata standards in a human readable as well as in a machine readable way.
Persistent Identifiers
Persistent Identifiers allow the unambiguous identification of (digital) resources by providing and managing globally unique identifiers sustainably.
PID Kernel Information Profiles
PID Kernel Information Profiles allow machine-actionability based on PID Information Records, which are those information which can be retrieved by resolving a Persistent Identifier.
Data Type Registry
A Data Type Registry allows the registration of type information, which are, identified by a Persistent Identifier, used to make a statement on a resource's type and potentially also about its structure.
Web Annotation Protocol Server
Annotationen based on the Web Annotation Data Model allow an external enrichment of referencable resources by additional, arbitrary information decoupled from the resource's storage location.