Workshop: MARBLE - unlock the metadata from your proprietary binary files
Info: The online course will run from 9 am to 12 pm on December 15th.
Short description: This workshop introduces the new software tool MARBLE and is geared towards experimental researchers and scientific staff of all career levels.
Using MARBLE you will learn to decipher and extract primary data and metadata encoded in proprietary binary files which are typically created by laboratory instruments. Disscuss with your peers about where proprietary file formats slow down your experimental workflows. Exchange directly with the MARBLE development team and tell us about your challenges around proprietary binary file encodings.
Bring your own binary files and start to deciphering what matters to you most: your own data!
Motivation: Many instruments store primary data and related metadata in proprietary binary files. Even though export pipelines generally exists, they rarely output all metadata and primary data. Thus important parts of the primary data and metadata from your experiment remain inaccessible. Learn how to unlock the full potential of you metadata. During a mixture of lectures, discussions and hands-on sessions we will teach you how to use MARBLE to decipher data from proprietary binary files and store it in an open and accessible format.
You will learn:
how to use MARBLE on your own binary files
how to create translator files that allow you to batch-extract data from multiple files of the same type
about the legal background of the deciphering process
about data encoding in binary formats
about open and accessible data formats and the importance of standardized semantics for metadata
Further Information & registration
Registrations will be open from Nov 21st - Dec 9th
jointly organized by HMC Hub Information & NFDI MatWerk
located at Materials Data Science and Informatics (IAS-9) @ FZJ
& the Institute of energy and climante research (IEK-2) @FZJ