Workshop @ HIDA Annual Conference
In our workshop “FAIR enough?! - 5 steps to boost the value of your research data” (@ HIDA annual conference) we will discuss strategies to improve your research data annotation according to the FAIR principles. This will strengthen your scientific collaborations & publications! We show you where to start with 5 easy steps.
Looking for software that helps you share structured metadata in collaborations? Great! We will give you a sneak peak into the HMC toolbox and introduce our most recent release – METADOR.
HMC is looking forward to meet the young and aspiring Helmholtz Scientists - the workshop is co-organized by the HMC Hub Information (IAS-9, Materials Data Science & Informatics, Forschungszentrum Jülich) and the HMC office (Geomar Kiel).
See you on 30. November 2021!