TEACH - Talk about Education Across Communities in Helmholtz
Fostering the development of young scientists is a central part of the Helmholtz mission. Talent management in Helmholtz is dedicated to personal and professional development for researchers of all qualification levels, ranging from undergraduate students to established scientists at all Helmholtz Centers. The development and management of training programs and courses for doctoral researchers, Postdocs or research groups requires skills and resources. The TEACH event brings together training coordinators, instructors, trainers, personnel developers, and Researchers to exchange experience and best practices, collaborate and share resources on the whole education life cycle, and specific training programs.
Organized by the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HiDA) and supported by HMC as well as by colleagues from different Helmholtz Centers and partnering institutions the four-day TEACH event will give you opportunity to network and dive into education topics across disciplines.
This is an open community event. Everyone interested is welcome to join!