HMC Project Call 2022 | Information Event
The HMC Project Call 2022, funded by the Initative and Networking Fund (INF), is looking for projects addressing practical challenges in the field of metadata generation and data enrichment. Selected projects can get up to €200k in funding from the INF, which has to be matched by the participating centres with the same amount of money or more (≥€200k). Projects should be completed within a maximum of two years. For more information on the current call please visit our website.
During this information event you have the opportunity to
get more information on the call,
get in touch with the our Metdata Hubs and FAIR Data Commons,
ask live questions,
meet with potential project partners,
pitch your project idea to find potential project partners (places for this part are limited (first come - first serve).
Target group
This event is open to all Helmholtz members and external partners (e.g. academic, non-profit or companies) interested in the HMC project call 2022.
To register for this event please follow this link.
Additional information
A second event will be held on May 16th (12:30h-15:30h), more information can be found here.