Creative Commons licences & FAIR data

04.04.2025 | 10:00 - 11:00 h


Speaker: Till Kreutzer, iRights Law!

Title: Creative Commons licences & FAIR data

Date: Friday, 4 April 2025, 10 am CEST

The lecture provides guidance on how to achieve the FAIR principles for research data in a legal sense by using Creative Commons licences and public domain tools. The main topics include the protectability of various types of content and how protected and non-protected content and data can be "opened" in terms of enabling legal reusability.

The lecture also explains the different layers of CC licenses, including the human-readable and legalese versions, as well as the technical layer of the licenses. In addition to the presentation there will be a Q&A session.

About the speaker: Dr. iur. Till Kreutzer is a lawyer, legal scholar and publicist. He is co-founder and managing partner of the law firm iRights.Law and co-founder of the award-winning portal, which informs authors and consumers about copyright in the digital world. His focus is on copyright and IT law, in particular on topics such as open content, open source software and open access. He represents the federal and state governments in copyright disputes in education and research.

Till Kreutzer is a member of the expert committee “Communication and Information” of the German UNESCO Commission, an associate member of the Hans Bredow Institute and a member of the Institute for Legal Issues of Free and Open Source Software (ifrOSS). He is also the German representative on the Creative Commons Global Network Council.

As an expert, he has been heard several times by governments and parliaments at national and EU level. He is a regular speaker at specialist conferences, conducts workshops and seminars on IT law and copyright and publishes regularly in specialist journals.

Registration open until 4 April 2025, 09:45 am:
(For organizational reasons, we cannot guarantee participation for registrations after 09:45 am)

The Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) invites you to engage in an exciting series of talks on FAIR Data through the HMC FAIR Friday lecture series. Renowned experts from around the world will present key aspects of FAIR data, offering deep dives into the topic and sparking discussions on best practices and new perspectives. HMC FAIR Friday is aimed at professionals in research data management as well as researchers from all disciplines of the Helmholtz Association and beyond, who want to learn more about the importance and implementation of FAIR principles.