Speaker: HELIPORT: Dr. Oliver Knodel // ALAMEDA: Oliver Rach, Gunnar Pruß and Felix Mühlbauer
Title: HELIPORT & ALAMEDA, two platforms to ease your reasearch project & metadata management life!
Date: Friday, 19 April 2024, 13:00 CEST
Join our two-in-one FAIR Friday where two HMC projects closely linked to each other through the development and implementation of a software gahtering scientific metadata are presenting their work! We are happy to have several speakers from two HMC projects with us this time:
Dr. Oliver Knodel will speak about "Navigating the Digital Horizon: HELIPORT's Role in Research Project Lifecycle Management"
Dr. Oliver Rach, Dr. Felix Mühlbauer and Gunnar Pruß will introduce us to "Data provenance & traceability in multi-domain laboratory environments : ALAMEDA - A scalable multi-domain metadata management platform"
In HMC, the HMC projects are an important key in activating and involving the Helmholtz community and to foster the continuous development of the HMC community. Projects are intended to be interdisciplinary organised and to actively involve the relevant HMC-Hubs. This practice ensures the integration of tools and solutions directly into the platform and the Helmholtz community. The HMC projects HELIPORT and ALAMEDA have realised exactly this and we are delighted that they are presenting their work at FAIR Friday and warmly invite you to this exciting talk.
HELIPORT: Navigating the Digital Horizon: HELIPORT's Role in Research Project Lifecycle Management
In today's era of digitalization, managing the lifecycle of research projects demands efficient navigation through a myriad of data sources and services. This presentation delves into the pivotal role of HELIPORT, a web browser-based guidance system, in streamlining research project lifecycle management. HELIPORT serves as a comprehensive platform, seamlessly connecting disparate services and systems to facilitate the smooth flow of digital data throughout the entire research process. By harnessing HELIPORT's capabilities, researchers can effectively track, organise, and share data and workflows with colleagues, thereby enhancing collaboration. The embedding of computational workflows to automate processes and provide comprehensible and reproducable workloads on HPC clusters is an essential part of this process.
In the talk, we explore how HELIPORT is expanding the digital horizon and empowering researchers to push new boundaries in scientific exploration.
More information about HELIPORT on the HMC HELIPORT project page and the HELIPORT website
ALAMEDA: Data provenance & traceability in multi-domain laboratory environments: ALAMEDA – A scalable multi-domain metadata management platform
Modern Earth sciences produce a continuously increasing amount of data as well as corresponding metadata from observations, measurements and sampling. Depending on the respective geoscientific parameter, essential metadata are currently stored in a variety of databases using different standards and semantics. The completeness and availability of these metadata for the community are essential with regard to the sustainable, long-term use of the actual measurement data. This includes, in particular, information on the origin, processing, measurement and post-processing of samples and data. Current metadata handling procedures are therefore obstructive for interoperability in terms of limited data access, exchange, searchability and comparability, and contradict the FAIR principles.
ALAMEDA aims at managing, visualizing and sharing metadata gathered in lab and field experiments or generated by models or simulations. It allows linking data between different software applications already used by the community to manage lab, sensor, sample and workflow data. Furthermore, ALAMEDA enables users to automatically merge and compile metadata in a standardized format that can be referenced in any publication.
More information about ALAMEDA on the HMC ALAMEDA project page
Registration: Please register to the event here
To stimulate and support interdisciplinary exchange, the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration (HMC) in close cooperation with the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) is organizing the HMC FAIR Friday lecture series. It is aimed at experienced actors in research data management as well as scientists from all research fields of the Helmholtz Association and beyond.
HMC FAIR Friday features talks by high-ranking national and international speakers to bring all participants (even) closer to the world of FAIR data, deepen individual aspects and stimulate discussions.

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