HMC @ Helmholtz Open Science Practice Forum - Reseach Data Management
To share best practices and to foster the RDM community within Helmholtz, the Helmholtz Open Science Office hosts the second "Helmholtz Open Science Practice Forum Research Data Management" online on October 20, 2022. The following aspects will be highlighted through presentations with ample time for discussion:
A follow-up event on October 20, 2022 picks up this thread and spins it further. The following aspects will be highlighted through presentations with ample time for discussion:
Integration of RDM into scientific processes processes in Helmholtz (POF)
Thinking and linking data, text and research software together
Data Stewards, Data Librarians, Research Data Managers, Data Curators... – Their profiles and roles in Helmholtz
Data Management Plans – DMPs as Living Documents
HMC staff will present relevant work in two talks:
10:45-11:00h | FAIR Digital Objects - A gentle way of introducing FAIRness
13:45-14:00h | Monitoring Data Publications: A Dashboard Approach in HMC Hub Matter
Registration is possible for Helmholtz employees, more information and registration here: