Better data for better science
From physics to biology to medicine, lasers are essential tools in many scientific disciplines. The diversity of applications is also a challenge in documenting laser-based research data. On 28-29 October 2021, Laserlab-Europe, ELI and CASUS - Center for Advanced Systems Understanding organized a research data management workshop to share experiences and opinions on this topic under the motto "Better Data for Better Science". On 28 October the Hub Matter of the Helmholtz Metadata Collaboration will present itself during the workshop. In the same session, the HMC project HELIPORT (HELmholtz ScIentific Project WORkflow PlaTform) will present itself as well as a use case of Integration of a High IntensityLaser in a complete data life cycle workflow.
The session will be chaired by Michael Bussmann from the Center for Advanced Systems (CASUS) at the HZDR, a member of HMC's Steering Board.
All further info and registration for the workshop here.