Earth and Environment's Main Data Repositrories
The research area Earth and Environment involves eight Helmholtz Centres troughout Germany. The centres maintain a large number of research data infrastructures, comprising marine, terrestrial and atmospheric data. These data repositrories presented here are examples for the current state of development in research data management.
PANGAEA is a data publisher for Earth and environmental science, hosted by the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) and the Center for Marine Environmental Sciences, University of Bremen (MARUM). PANGAEA hosts a vast array of data types. The HMC Earth and Environment Hub seeks to further PANGAEA's interoperability capacities, particularly in concert with those of other Helmholtz digital assets.
AWI Sensor Information System
The Sensor Information System, hosted at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research (AWI), provides researchers with a suite of functions to manage (meta)data about their sensors and platforms. The HMC aims to work with the SIS development teams to ensure that its valuable (meta)data is discoverable and interoperable across and beyond the Helmholtz Federation.
MOSES Data Discovery Portal
The MOSES Data Discovery Portal is the central component of the MOSES data management infrastructure. It holds the metadata of MOSES campaigns, sensors and data and enables high-performance data searches. In addition, it provides access to the decentral data repositories and infrastructures of the participating Helmholtz centers where MOSES data is stored. Because of its broad domain-coverage the MOSES campaign data can serve well as an use case to evaluate interoperability of data infrastructures.
The data portal of the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) attempts to provide integrated access to some of the AWI's core digital holdings. These include data and information stores and real-time streams from environmental sensors, but also operational (meta)data on the expeditions and other activities they link to. The HMC E&E Hub will facilitate enhanced interoperability of this portal with digital systems within and beyond Helmholtz.
TERENO Data Discovery Portal
The TERENO Data Discovery Portal is the central data infrastructure of the Terrestrial Environmental Observatories Network. It offers numerous functionalities from data exploration, visualization and provisioning, e.g. data and metadata on sensors and observatories.
GFZ Data Services
GFZ Data Services is a domain-specific research data repository for geoscience data referenced by a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) and freely accessible. Its content ranges from real-time collected dynamic data of global long-term observation networks to highly variable small-scale data.
GIPP Experiment and Data Archive
The GIPP Experiment and Data Archive is the platform for long-term archiving of geophysical experiment data and its supply to users. It contains metadata of all experiments supported by the "Geophysical Equipment Pool Potsdam" (GIPP) as well as data from active seismic and magnetotelluric field measurements.
GEOFON - Seismological Data Archive
The GFZ Seismological Data Archive is the largest seismological data archive in Europe. It holds data from the permanent GEOFON VBB seismic network. For many GEOFON partner networks, GEOFON acts as backup archive and data distribution center.
SEMISYS is the Sensor Meta Information System of the GNSS group at GFZ. The precise analysis of GNSS observation data is contingent upon a variety of metadata from different sources, including station and satellite metadata. The consistency and integrity of these metadata are required to maintain a high evaluation quality standard. The Operational Data Center (ODC) GNSS Group at GFZ developed SEMISYS as the central, format independent and validated storage of station and satellite metadata based upon client/server technology and an object-relational database.
Digital Earth
Towards SMART Monitoring and Integrated Data Exploration of the Earth System - Implementing the Data Science Paradigm
Significant advances in Earth system understanding will only be achieved through better integration of data and knowledge from the different Earth science disciplines and Earth compartments - the scope of the project Digital Earth.
GEOMAR Data Management Portal
The GEOMAR Data Management Portal provides access to various services for research data collection, archiving and publication of the marine research in Kiel and is provided by the GEOMAR data management team.
The portal offers document exchange, common or individual blogs and fora and integrates internal and external webservices and -pages. Moreover it provides access to several project's collaboration sites with personal login.
Helmholtz Coastal Data Center
The new Helmholtz Coastal Data Center (HCDC) merges heterogeneous data of coastal and ocean observatories, ship campaigns, and numerical models pertinent to coastal zones. The data will be accessible for scientists and the public, and will seamlessly feed into national and international Earth System data networks.