HMC Conference 2022
Join our road to FAIR
HMC is a platform developing and implementing novel concepts and technologies for a sustainable handling of research data through high-quality metadata within the Helmholtz Association.
Our first virtual HMC Conference will be on the 05/06 October 2022 (09:00 - 14:00 CEST).
The HMC conference 2022 is the perfect platform
to get an insight into the latest developments in the field of metadata,
to exchange ideas on solutions for generating high-quality metadata, technical solutions and applications,
to inform yourself on practical solutions from different research areas,
to get an update on the latest developments within HMC, and
to network and interact with the Helmholtz metadata community and beyond.
Together we can turn FAIR into reality - join us and your (meta)data community.
Register here.
More information on the call for abstract here.
By the way, the deadline for the abstracts has been extended from the 17th to the 31st of August.